5 Tips To Help You Fight Insomnia

Jana Sneeweisova
7 min readMar 3, 2021


a woman with dark long hair sleeping on white pillow

“I wake up in the morning feeling exhausted, drained, sad, disappointed, hopeless…”

“The only thing I wish in the evening is to fall asleep and sleep all night long.”

“The only thing I wish in the morning is to go back to sleep.”

“I wake up every night and can’t fall asleep anymore.”

“Every day I hope this day will be different. That it will be as it used to be before. As the evening comes, my anxiety increases…”

Those are some statements from people who suffer from insomnia. They have problems falling asleep, or they wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall asleep anymore, or they get up in the morning feeling as if they didn’t sleep at all. Sometimes, they experience all the feelings mentioned above.

Moreover, sleeping disorder is very often connected with anxiety and vice versa. The truth is, that if you suffer from insomnia for a long time, you don’t feel good at all and you might start developing a fear of not being able to fall asleep and sleep deeply and restfully.

Also, if you suffer from anxiety, panic attacks, or PTSD, you might have problems with insomnia.

Does it sound familiar to you?

It might because according to Sleep Foundation, some conservative estimates show that 10% to 30% of adults live with chronic insomnia. For other studies, this figure is closer to 50% to 60%.

Now, what can you do to improve your condition?

5 Tips To Help You Fight Insomnia

Tip #1 To Help You Fight Insomnia: No Coffee In The Afternoon

red stop sign over an image of a cup of coffee

Skip the coffee during the day, or don’t drink it at least 6 hours before going to bed.

According to Sleep Education, “The most obvious effect of caffeine is that it can make it hard for you to fall asleep. One study also found that caffeine can delay the timing of your body clock. These effects will reduce your total sleep time. Caffeine also can reduce the amount of deep sleep that you enjoy.”

Now, you might be asking, “But what should I do? I need my coffee!”

There are other natural energy boosters you can use during your day. You can use the sublingual Boost spray, green tea, and fresh juices especially the green ones. However, don’t use any of those at least a few hours before your bedtime, ok?

Tip #2 To Help You Fight Insomnia: Step Into Your Life Purpose

a face of a freckled lady smiling beautifuly

This might sound ridiculous to you, but believe me, when you are living aligned to your life purpose, you tend to be calmer and happier. You know you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. That’s a big thing! Even more importantly, you have control over your life. If you want to read more about how to discover your life purpose, read this article.

Tip #3 To Help You Fight Insomnia: Natural Remedies

There are many natural remedies you might try or you might have already tried to help you with your sleeping problems. The truth is, that we are different, the causes for insomnia might be different and therefore the cure for the sleeping disorder might differ too. Maybe your friends tried some herbs, teas, magnesium, or lavender oil and they succeeded. And maybe those same remedies didn’t help you at all.

In recent years, a couple of studies were conducted to see the effect of CBD oil on insomnia and anxiety. People often confuse CBD with marihuana. The truth is, that CBD oil is made of hemp, not marihuana, and therefore doesn’t cause psychoactive effects or a “high.”


There is something called ECS (Endocannabinoid System) in our brain that plays a significant role in controlling the balance of several different body systems including sleep, mood, and appetite. CBD directly affects the ECS helping to restore the body’s natural state of balance.

As stated by Sleep Association, “Although more studies need to be performed, some research supports the theory that CBD and cannabinoids may improve sleep.“

CBD Study

“Study published in the Permanente Journal, 72 adults with anxiety and poor sleep were involved. The participants completed anxiety and sleep assessments at the start of the study and at the first-month follow-up. Study participants were given 25 mg of CBD in capsule form. Those that predominantly had sleep complaints took the dose in the evening. Participants that had anxiety as their predominant complaint took CBD in the morning.

After the first month, anxiety scores decreased in 79 percent of the people. Sleep scores improved in 66 percent of the participants, which indicated less trouble sleeping. The results suggest that CBD decreased sleep difficulties in many of the participants. But while the decrease in anxiety symptoms remained steady for the duration of the study, the sleep scores fluctuated over time.”

As with any natural remedy, it may affect the impact of any prescribed medication. Therefore consult the possible contraindication with your doctor.

cbd oil product description
Click here for more info about the HempWorx line

If you decide to go for a CBD oil, make sure it’s a pure CBD oil, without any fillers, organic, no GMO, and that it has the U.S. Hemp Authority Stemp.

Tip #4 To Help You Fight Insomnia: Don’t Force It

If you can’t fall asleep, don’t force it. Instead, plan some activities that you would enjoy. Don’t put the pressure on yourself to “MUST” fall asleep before 11 pm. I know that’s the best time from the biorhythm point of view, but if you feel pressured to do it, the chances are, you won’t succeed. Instead, do something that you enjoy (no food, please). This might be reading, writing, or taking a course.

If you know what you want to accomplish in your future, it’s easy to find an online course that will help you to move the needle and come closer to your dream. In this case, study!

· You will feel good about it because you are doing something for your future.

· You will feel relaxed because it should be something you enjoy and you are passionate about.

· You might feel so tired, that you will fall asleep naturally

Tip #5 To Help You Fight Insomnia: Evening Routine

I know it sounds boring but it actually helps. How to go about that?

· Don’t eat one hour before going to sleep

· Use essential oil such as lavender to create a “sleeping” trigger

· Switch your phone off or put it on the “plane mode” at least 1 hour before going to sleep.

· Journal before going to bed — there are several ways how to journal. I would recommend you start with this structure:

  • Write a date.
    Writing a journal is important for many reasons, one of them being the ability to track your progress. After a few weeks, you will be able to look back and read how you felt at the beginning. That way you will know what worked for you and what didn’t.
  • What are you afraid of? This is important, because it’s a known fact, that when you write what’s on your mind, your brain feels it doesn’t have to think about it anymore. Don’t think about it too much, just write whatever is on your mind.
  • What remedies did you take (if any) to improve your sleeping pattern?
  • What brought you joy that day?
  • What are you grateful for in your life (at least 3 things)?
  • What did you accomplish during the day? Don’t be too hard on yourself, even the smallest things count.
  • What are your goals for tomorrow? Write a maximum of three goals. There is no point in putting too much stress on yourself.

· Visualization

After you’ve finished writing your journal, lie in your bed and visualize your best possible future. Imagine yourself already experiencing it. As if you had everything you are wishing for already. Imagine every detail, feel it as if it’s happening right now. Feel grateful for it. Feel proud. Imagine where you live, who you live with, the activities you do. In your compelling future…Who are you? How do you look like? What’s your fashion style? How does your everyday routine look like? Feel grateful for it as if it’s happening right now.


· Approximately every 3rd person in the modern society experience some kind of sleeping disorder

· Insomnia and anxiety are very often linked together

· To overcome sleeping problems, you might try these 5 tips:

  • No coffee in the afternoon. Replace it with other natural energy boosters.
  • Step into your life purpose. Actively taking control over your life might help you with anxiety and lead you towards inner calmness and certainty.
  • Natural remedies such as herbs, teas, lavender oil, or pure CBD oil might significantly help with insomnia.
  • Don’t force yourself to fall asleep. Do something you enjoy instead.
  • Establish an evening routine. Structure, journaling, and visualization will help you to feel o calmer and more in control.

What helped you to overcome your sleeping problems?

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Jana Sneeweisova

Relationship and Women Empowerment Coach, RMT (Robbins-Madanes Training) certified, KBB (Knowledge Business Blueprint) certified. Relationships matter!